Wednesday, 16 October 2013

What is your learning experience when using wiki-spaces in class?

Just click on the comment button to share your experience


  1. Am getting to learn more from others

  2. wikispaces are just amazing and a big state towards enhancing technology, developed and more interesting learning and to us in Kenya, a great move to vision 2030.totally amazing

  3. It is interesting and and an excellent place to interact

  4. There are so many social sites nowadays, one would tend to place wikispace in the list. but the fact that it makes learning easier makes it unique and interesting!

  5. This platform is enriching the discussions and we can hold virtual discussions without necessarily having to travel,,,,,,,,this platform should also be adopted by the non ICT lecturers to boost Education reach

  6. Organizations should also use this platform to actualise their training needs in the work place..this platform helps to cut down cost and improve efficie.....I have to adopt it in my day to day opperations

  7. It's awesome. I like the fact that we've gone paperless

  8. It is just incredible. Good place to interact

  9. It makes things very simple and easy to follow. Initially it seemed difficult but once I started using it, have not looked back

  10. k mararo; KCA main campus1 November 2013 at 22:11

    daktari,this is just awesome! lectures will be fun and efficient for bothe lecturers ans students.

    1. Mirriam KCA Main campus.
      Wau wikispace soo enjoyable.Big up Daktari.Adigital world!!!!!

  11. k mararo; KCA main campus1 November 2013 at 22:16

    Daktari , am now ready to join you in the field of lecturing as now its all digital, effective and efficient to my prospective students!

  12. awesome, things jst got more awesome

  13. its enjoyable and educative because i get an opportunity to share and learn from colleagues.

  14. sharing on e-learning developments in education sector enables active and constructive students to develop knowledge in responsive to their environment,reflecting and articulating what they have learned.It also emphasizes acquisition of new information and its linkages to previous experiences and knowledge information of personal and unique understanding.

    1. Optimal use of e-learning tools is no longer an option but a necessity. Not utilizing these amazing tools is analogous to not grapping a class of cool water under the punishing sun rays on a hot day!

  15. Its amazing....never knew about wikispace before until I met Dr. Rhoda. I also agree with Titus Muasya on the use of wikisace in organizations..........Follow me on wiki...

  16. Its a wonderful experience.It makes learning easy and enjoyable.Dave

  17. It is cool! Its revolutionary! This wikispace wonna make it my preferred space.
